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Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

Most musicians and other artists do not want to risk losing the sensitive feeling and control of their hands and fingers with invasive expensive surgery that has a questionable record regarding full recovery.

10 Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

10 Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

Most musicians and other artists do not want to risk losing the sensitive feeling and control of their hands and fingers with invasive expensive surgery that has a questionable record regarding full recovery.

10 Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

10 Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

10 tips For Musicians with Carpal Tunnel

1) Before Practice do some stretching exercises to limber up your hands. There are specific stretches on YouTube that musicians find helpful.

Here are some useful links:

This is not a complete list, but it will get you started with some basic stretching

2)  Take breaks every 20 – 30 minutes of playing or practicing your instrument to rest and stretch your hands and fingers.

3) Avoid exercises of the hand like the so called “stress ball” squeeze that work the Flexor Muscles in the forearm. Ironically, this is recommended as a good hand exercise by many, but this is probably the worst thing you can do for your hands if you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Also, stay away from the hand grippers. These work the forearm muscles for grabbing things, which already get plenty of work in most people’s daily routine of grabbing objects and holding the object. With Carpal Tunnel there is often an imbalance between the forearm muscles. The Flexor Muscles are usually too strong and the Extensor Muscles in the forearm are too weak.

10 Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel At Home

4) Exercise doing a reverse flex of the fingers and thumb with a #32 elastic band around your finger tips and thumb nail. It is an action that is “opposite of a squeeze” and is one of the best gentle stretching exercises for Carpal Tunnel prevention. Your hand should go from a “rosebud poise”, to a “claw poise” with the elastic band providing resistance. You do this 10 to 15 times then rest and repeat 3 sets of this exercise. This will build up the Extensor Muscles and help you achieve better muscle balance in the forearm. This can help Musicians overcome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

10 Tips For Musicians To Treat Carpal Tunnel

5) There are a lot of good stretching exercises on YouTube. Stick to those recommended by Medical Professionals, Yoga Experts or experienced musicians. There are a lot recommendations on the web that are not well thought out and can actually make CTS worse. Make sure the person sharing the information is credible. One caution, stay away from Yoga Poses that put a lot of weight on your hands and wrists. These are another “watch-out” for those trying to minimize Carpal Tunnel Symptoms.

6) The best way to perform a stretch for any stretch, is to stretch gently and hold the gentle stretch for only about 5 – 10 seconds. Then release and rest for 5 seconds and repeat the stretch for 10 – 15 repetitions. Long intense stretching can do more damage than good for injured soft tissue.

7) If you have the need to do heavy lifting invite a strong friend to come with you to do the heavy lifting and save your hands and wrist for the intelligent and artistic work that you are so good at doing.

8) Do alternate Ice and Heat Therapy at night before retiring to bed. You need to prepare two pitchers of water. One with warm to hot water and the second with ice water. You submerge your hand half way up the forearm in warm water for 2 minutes, then submerge the hand in ice water pitcher and leave it there for 2 minutes. Alternate back and forth every two minutes for 20 to 30 minutes.

9) If you do not have Carpal Tunnel yet, but you think you might be susceptible to it, or you are starting to feel some telltale signs of Carpal Tunnel. Order The Carpal Solution Night Time Stretching regimen that was developed by Doctors and have it on hand to use as a preventative treatment before you get full on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, with all the debilitating symptoms. You can preempt the condition with a proactive purchase. Start using The Carpal Solution Treatment a few nights before a big performance to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms from flaring up at the worst possible time. Then wear the Carpal Solution one night per week to keep CTS under control.

There is no other way to achieve 8 hours of gentle targeted palm stretching per day. You simply put on the Carpal Solution Stretching Device before bed and settle in for a long comfortable rest without interruption due to numb painful hands. Take the Carpal Solution Stretching Device off in the morning and get about your busy day without worry. With a sound night of sleep, your body’s natural healing works more efficiently to minimize any aches and pains you might have anywhere in your body.

It is always better to nip Carpal Tunnel in the bud, before it starts raging, interrupting sleep and causing you to lose the musical talent you have worked so hard to develop. With Carpal Tunnel “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, because you can avoid the unproductive downtime. You can also prevent the perception of being “out of commission” when you are needed by your team.

10) If you already have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, then Order the Carpal Solution Home Stretching Treatment and follow the Six Week Protocol developed by the Doctors. Put the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel in complete remission and keep playing your brand of music.  There is no reason to let Carpal Tunnel derail your music career.   Keep the dream alive while you achieve elite status with the Carpal Solution Treatment.

“My Doctor told me to rest and wear this wrist splint. First rest is impractical for a musician that has spent all those years striving for elite performance and honing our art to a high level.  The Rigid Brace was annoying to wear and I was losing grip strength. I could see my hand muscles were receding. I felt desperate and depressed. Surgery was not an option due to the downtime and the permanent loss of grip strength my friend reported with surgery.  I was determined to find the light at the end of the “Tunnel”. 

10 Tips For MusiciansFinally, I found the Carpal Solution Treatment.  It seemed too good to be true and like the saying goes: “If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.” Well, I can tell you the Carpal Solution is the real deal. Within 2 weeks my hand strength was returning, the hand numbness was gone.  No more wrist pain within 4 weeks. I was sleeping through the night for the first time in months. My life was coming back to me. All because of these simple little stretching devices that you put on your hands at night. The Carpal Solution saved my music career.  I am so happy!”

Landry Plays Lead Guitar in a Rock Band

Bethesda, Maryland

Watch Diane a professional musician in Los Angeles, California tell her ordeal with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

She tells how she avoided Carpal Tunnel Surgery and got her Carpal Tunnel Symptoms under control. She saved her music career with the Carpal Solution Treatment. You can too!


Learn more about treating Carpal Tunnel at home without risk, without downtime, and at minimal expense guided by Doctors committed to helping you avoid the risks of surgery, steroid injections and rigid wrist splints.

Click here to learn more about: Carpal Tunnel Treatment
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