Carpal Tunnel Therapy
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be excruciating and debilitating. Most people are hopeful that they can find a natural Carpal Tunnel therapy that helps them to control their symptoms without resorting to Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Steroid Injections, or restrictive splints that only immobilize the hand with no therapeutic effect
By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience
Carpal Tunnel Therapy
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be excruciating and debilitating. Most people are hopeful that they can find a natural Carpal Tunnel therapy that helps them to control their symptoms without resorting to Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Steroid Injections, or restrictive splints that only immobilize the hand with no therapeutic effect
By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience
A Natural Approach for Carpal Tunnel
Escaping the ravages of this disorder, has historically been complicated and frustrating. After all there are so many possible contributing factors and conventional health care protocols have been so ineffective for so many CTS sufferers. So what can an informed, proactive patient do to speed up the recovery process?
At, you can learn more about one of the most effective and rapidly growing all natural therapies available for CTS, the Carpal Solution. Developed by an accomplished physician Dr. Clyde Morgan, the Carpal Solution is a comprehensive treatment that has demonstrated 95 percent success in clinical studies.
The professionals at First Hand Medical urge you to educate yourself as much as possible about CTS symptoms, therapies, and causes. As a chronic condition, many carpal tunnel sufferers have had to consistently work to manage their symptoms and lifestyles to keep the syndrome in check. In the past they have had to put whole segments of their former lives on hold. Now there is a better answer: the Carpal Solution.
Dr. Morgan said, “Carpal Solution Therapy decompresses the soft tissue in a few days and reshapes its over the six week protocol. How quickly you will respond depends on the contributing conditions.
This all natural therapeutic approach relieves pressure on the median nerve while enhancing nutrient rich blood circulation and fluid transport. In this way the Carpal Solution allows the body’s natural healing process to proceed unimpeded at the cellular level.”
Finally there is a better Carpal Tunnel Therapy
In addition to alleviating wrist pain, finger numbness, and sore hands with the Carpal Solution, patients may wish to implement a variety of complementary therapeutic and ergonomic strategies. Some patients have found that regular hand and wrist massage works wonders. Others find improvements in their diet and nutrient intake can help with metabolic contributing factors. Some sufferers enjoy soaking their hands and wrists in alternating warm paraffin wax and cold ice water when symptoms flare up at peak levels.
Most certified hand therapists and medical professionals who treat carpal tunnel syndrome also recommend a regimen of strengthening and stretching exercises together with appropriate ergonomics. Since there are so many contributing factors, a multi-faceted approach based on the Carpal Solution Therapy can work remarkable results.
Of course, each case of CTS is unique and different. First Hand Medical encourages CTS sufferers to speak with their doctors to get precise diagnosis and identify all contributing factors.
The Carpal Solution has been used by over 450,000 people in over 30 countries and continues to get a 97% success rate among patients. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Patients simply call it: “My Carpal Tunnel Cure!”
Order Your Six Week Carpal Tunnel Treatment Now
The ONLY treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.
How Does The Carpal Solution Work?
The Carpal Solution is Self-Applied Before Retiring to Bed in Three Easy Steps
STEP 1: Place the Carpal Solution on the Back of the hand as shown with adhesive side down. Attach 1st strap below little finger securing it on the palm. Tear away excess tape to prevent overlap of straps on palm.
STEP 2: Self apply the appropriate tension to the Carpal Solution with 2nd strap below the thumb and attached on palm side of hand as shown. Adjust tension by stretching circular hole on back of hand in the elastic centerpiece to an oval shape. The diameter should be at least 1.5 times the original.
STEP 3: Self apply the appropriate tension to the Carpal Solution with 3rd strap above the thumb. Tear-away straps should be aligned so there is no overlap of straps on palm side of hand. The Carpal Solution begins to relieve symptoms usually within twenty minutes of placement.
The Carpal Solution is the Next Best Thing to a Carpal Tunnel Cure!
Order Your Six Week Carpal Tunnel Treatment Now
The ONLY treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.