Health Insurance Reimbursement for Carpal Tunnel Treatment
CTS Diagnostic & Orthotic Codes For Effective Hand Therapy

Health Insurance Reimbursement for Carpal Tunnel Treatment
CTS Diagnostic & Orthotic Codes For Effective Hand Therapy

Customers report that both Health Insurance Companies and State Worker’s Compensation Insurance programs will cover the cost of the Carpal Solution Orthotic Treatment. Below you will find all the information and forms that you will need to facilitate a timely reimbursement from your insurer.
Sometimes health insurance can seem to be a daunting and confusing process.
On this page you will find the reimbursement process made simple with everything you need including a simple outline, example health insurance claim forms filled out for Carpal Tunnel Treatment, and blank health insurance claim forms. Upon ordering First Hand Medical provides a health insurance ready receipt with all of the codes emailed to you. The only item you will need that we cannot provide is a script from your doctor.
The procedure is to get a written prescription from your Doctor, Hand Therapist, Chiropractor, Occupational Therapist, Obstetricians, Neurologist, Physiatrists, or other appropriate medical professional for a Hand Finger Orthosis and submit the following three items to your health insurance claims office:
1- A copy of the written prescription
from your medical professional. – If a doctor has diagnosed you within the last year with CTS, most personal physicians will write a prescription based on your last visit to the clinic, so you can request the script with just a phone call to the doctor’s assistant. Most doctors will then send the prescription to you in the mail, scan it and email it to you, or fax it to you for your convenience. If not, you can always swing by their clinic and pick up the script.
The prescription only needs to have the following:
• Your Name
• State: “Hand Finger Orthosis”
• Specify which Hand: “Right Hand” or “Left Hand” or
“Bilateral” which is doctor speak for both hands.
• “For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”
• The Doctor’s Signature
The prescription generally serves as documentation of the medical professional’s formal diagnosis and professional opinion on an appropriate treatment to help your condition. It absolves the health insurance company of liability issues.
2- A copy of the Receipt from First Hand Medical
for your purchase of the medical orthotic prescribed, in this case the Carpal Solution Hand Finger Orthosis.
The receipt from First Hand Medical will have all of the codes and medical device classifications printed on it that are needed for the insurance clerk to process your claim quickly and without delay.Most insurers prefer that you to submit a claim form together with the above two items. On this page we provide links to all of the forms and locations that you might need. You can access a printable version of the standard claim form provided by the government and used by most insurance companies on the link below:
3- The Claim Forms
a- Standard Health Insurance Claim Form-HCFA-1500 – For private insurance, you simply fill out this claim form and submit it with a copy of your doctor’s prescription and a copy of First Hand Medical’s receipt to your private insurance company. You can print this form from your computer with the pdf viewer that comes standard with most computers. We also provide this form on the back of your Receipt for the purchase of the Carpal Solution enclosed with each order. You can Click on the link that follows to see an Example of a completed Universal Health Insurance Claim Form for the Carpal Tunnel Solution reimbursement. You do not have to fill out every blank in the form. Just follow the example provided on the link above. We make it simple.
b- For Workers Comp Forms you will want to look on the website for your state, since these programs are administered somewhat differently by each state. The process is the same as listed above and if your assigned physician or occupational therapist prescribes a Hand Wrist Orthosis, you can work with your case worker to obtain the claim forms for your state or use the Standard Claim form provided above and submit it with the medical professionals prescription for a Hand Wrist Orthosis and a copy of your receipt for the Carpal Solution to your case worker or to the state administrator of your workers comp program. You can learn more at your state’s workers comp website.
Since the institution of Obama Care, Medicare has not reimbursed for this treatment, but with a money back guarantee, it is still the best way to treat Carpal Tunnel. If you don’t get the relief you need – you get your money back. If you do get the relief you are seeking naturally without risks and downtime, it is so worth the price of the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit.
* We also can provide a logical standard letter of rebuttal that you can use, in the unlikely event that you do hit some opposition with health insurance reimbursement. You know how health insurance agents can be sometimes. We are here for you!
Some Patients Ask: “Can I pay with my HSA or FSA Card with before tax money?” The answer is an absolute yes!
We accept payment with HSA Cards and FSA Cards every day. If you ever get any questions about the purchase, we have all the insurance codes and an insurance ready receipt to back you up. We have never had a payment with an HSA Card reversed or challenged. So, proceed with confidence and pay with pretax dollars to get the most value out of your healthcare expenditures. Call us if you have questions or need help with your Purchase at: 1-800-798-5210
The medical classification used by insurance companies and medical organizations like the American Medical Association (AMA) to describe the Carpal Solution Device is a Hand Finger Orthosis. This designation appears on the receipt you receive through email with your order for the Carpal Solution Six Week Therapy Pac.
For minimally invasive devices in the Orthotic classification all that is required by most insurance companies for reimbursement is a copy of the appropriate prescription, a copy of the receipt documenting that you purchased what the doctor prescribed and a HCFA-1500 Claim Form. To speed reimbursement it is best to have all three. Sometimes the insurance clerk will fill out the claim form on your behalf, but it can slow the process.
Doctors at First Hand Medical stated that, “Insurance companies generally reimburse 70 to 90% of your expenditure upon following this procedure, depending on the type of coverage to which your insurance policy entitles you.
You may want to check with your health insurance provider in advance regarding your coverage.”
As a convenience for medical professionals, patients and health insurers, a summary of the appropriate descriptive insurance codes commonly used follows.
Four Primary Codes are generally required by most health insurance companies for device reimbursements. These include:
1- The Prescribed Product HCPCS Code
2- The Supplier’s EIN Code (like a social security number for a DME supplier of medical orthotics)
3- The Suppliers NPI Number, which is assigned by the NPPES (National Plan & Provider Enumeration System)
4- The ICD Codes (International Classification of Disease)
The Insurance Clerk’s Processing of Reimbursement for the Carpal Solution Orthotic is easy when you have the right codes and right paper work. We are committed to make a somewhat complicated process as simple as possible. Let us know what we can do to help you with your reimbursement. If in the unlikely event the Insurance company denies the claim we have a standard letter of appeal you can use to appeal the decision. We can email you the standard letter of appeal upon request. All health insurance companies are required to have an appeal process and are audited by health quality organizations to make sure the reimbursement system is fair and equitable. There is so much confusion in the administration of this complicated system, if you have your facts together, follow the procedure we out-lined and you are firm in your resolve, you almost always get reimbursed.
The Codes Needed for the Carpal Solution Therapy Pacs would be as follows:
HCPCS Codes: L3923
Source: WHF Orthosis spreading hand, upper limb: wrist-hand abduction extracted from the Miscellaneous Prosthetics / Orthotics Product Section of Healthcare Common Procedure Coding Systems (HCPCS) published by Medical Management Institute in 2005.
Provider EIN Code: 0438-13636
Source: First Hand Medical, the Leader in Alternative Carpal Tunnel Treatment
Provider NPI Number: 1326273483
Assigned by the NPPES (National Plan & Provider Enumeration System) unique number for health insurance reimbursement assigned to First Hand Medical
ICD Codes are: G56.01 for The Right Hand or G56.02 for Left Hand for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Source: International Classification of Disease published by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) US Department of Health and Human Services – National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, MD.
You will receive all the appropriate codes online on the Order Confirmation or Thank You Page confirming your order for the Carpal Solution Treatment is complete on our secure website. You can print your online confirmation receipt so you have a hard copy or print it electronically as a pdf document which you can save on your computer hard drive. Also these codes will appear on the email receipt that we send out with every online order.
It is important that you put in an accurate email address with your online order or give an accurate email to our customer service agent. Sometimes the emailed receipt gets stuck in a person’s junk mail folder, so if you do not receive your email receipt, please look in the junk mail folder of your email program. If you need a formal receipt, our customer service agents can email it to you at any time.
Physicians, Health Insurers and the medical community at large generally agree that it is much better to try well documented conservative treatments and therapies before resorting to surgery – there is no downside.
Most insurance companies are eager to reimburse for a non-invasive therapeutic device that works to relieve Carpal Tunnel Symptoms like the Carpal Solution Orthosis, it is a much more cost effective approach and reduces strain on the healthcare system when used in place of surgery, rehab and repeat surgeries a few years down the road.
If you are pregnant your Obstetrician will be happy to provide you with a prescription of the only clinically documented treatment for CTS that is safe for pregnant women.
This hand condition is a nerve disorder and should be treated with some urgency. Nerve inhibition can lead to nerve damage if left unattended. Once the symptoms go away, so does the syndrome and a surgical procedure is not required. No test is as sensitive as the central nervous system in your body. In 97% of cases Carpal Tunnel Surgery can and should be prevented and avoided. CTS comes back even after a successful surgery and second surgeries have a 15 -20% lower success rate than first time Carpal Tunnel Release Surgeries.
Insurers are eager to help you successfully treat your condition with a natural orthotic stretching treatment and help you avoid the costs, downtime and rehabilitation periods associated with Carpal Tunnel Surgery.
Surgery and rehabilitation from Carpal Tunnel Surgery cost the health insurers $5,000.00 and up to $15,000.00. So, if your insurer can help you avoid the downtime, hassle, risks, and repeat surgeries, they are eager to do so, because they save too.
The Carpal Solution is a win / win treatment approach that saves the insurer the significant cost of Carpal Tunnel Surgery and Rehabilitation. The Carpal Solution saves the Patient the downtime, risks from complications, painful rehabilitation periods and minimizes the co-pays / deductibles associated with all insurance policies. It also takes stress of the health system and reduces wait times for people that really need surgical procedures. Everybody wins with a less invasive treatment that works for 97% of people, like the Carpal Solution Treatment.
Non-invasive home therapies, like the Carpal Solution Carpal Tunnel Treatment, that work for a high percentage of patients are the preferred treatment by doctors, insurers and the healthcare delivery system. DME devices like this Carpal Tunnel Stretching Protocol, relieve the burden on the healthcare delivery system, reduce risks and downtime for patients and allow doctors, nurses and surgeons to focus their energy on other ailments that are not so easily treated. The Carpal Solution is a clinically documented Carpal Tunnel Treatment.
It is back-up by patented medical technology that can be used by the patient in the comfort of home to relieve pressure on the Median Nerve and eliminate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms. Once the symptoms are gone, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has ended.
A syndrome is defined a collection of symptoms, so once the symptoms end, the syndrome is over. CTS is not a disease that needs to be treated is the symptoms disappear.
It is good to see a doctor to confirm your self-diagnosis, obtain a prescription for health insurance reimbursement and to assure you do not have any of the underlying physiological conditions that can bring on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Some of these include: Thyroid Condition, Auto Immune Disorders, Diabetes, Gout, etc. For a complete list please visit our page on Carpal Tunnel Causes in the FAQ section of this website.
The Carpal Solution is clinically documented patented medical technology developed by a doctor. It has been registered with the FDA and has a 97% success rate.
Our customer service team is also eager to help you get your reimbursement for this remarkable stretching wrist brace. Please let us know if you have any difficulties or if your insurance company needs a W-9 form. Most of the large insurers have already received this form from First Hand Medical, but if you find your insurance company does not have us registered, or needs an updated form, we will be happy to facilitate the rapid registration, so that you and other customers that follow will be reimbursed promptly and without any hassle.
Also the NPI number registration system, established in 2009, assures the insurer that First Hand Medical has been validated by the NPPES as a registered and legitimate DME supplier (National Plan & Provider Enumeration System).
Neurologists are experts on the central nervous system. These nerve experts say that the Carpal Solution is the best first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but most patients call it a Carpal Tunnel Cure. The Carpal Solution works for 97% of people with Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. It will likely work for you too. It is the only treatment for Carpal Tunnel that comes with a Money Back Guarantee and it is reimbursed by health insurance.
Not only are there no risks of complications with the Carpal Solution Therapy, but also First Hand Medical has eliminated any financial risk of trying the Carpal Solution. There is no reason to not get started now!