Carpal Tunnel Questions By:
How long does it take to cure Carpal Tunnel Naturally? Please explain the Carpal Solution Treatment Time Frame. I am wondering: How does one get 6 Weeks of treatment with 28 Disposable Devices. Also, how does one get 1 Year of treatment with 56 disposable devices. Also, do I have to keep ordering the Carpal Solution every 6 weeks. How does this Carpal Solution treatment system work?
San Antonio, Texas
Answer by Doctors at First Hand Medical
Thank you for your questions on curing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and for your interest in a natural Carpal Solution Treatment.
Keep in mind that the Carpal Solution Nighttime Stretching Treatment was developed by Doctors working with patients based on real first hand experience in the trenches. Also, it is important to keep in mind that there are over 20 different physiological contributing factors that can drive CTS.
Things in medicine are not always linear, in fact, the body’s physiology is rarely linear. In the case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it is cyclical. So, the key is how long does it take to break the cycle.
The Doctors have found that what works best for most people is wearing the Carpal Solution every night for two weeks followed by every other night for four weeks. So, that is how you get to 28 devices being used in 6 weeks. That is what most people need to break the cycle of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and put it in remission for up to 12 years.
Once you jump start your body’s natural healing process, CTS can stay in remission for many years. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome blocks the body’s natural healing process. These natural pathways are blocked by inflammation generated from injured soft tissue. Once the inflammation is trapped for weeks or months it gels or becomes more viscous and is difficult for your body to remove because the pressure on the nerve from the trapped inflammation is also restricting blood flow and lymphatic fluid flow.
The Carpal Solution Stretching Program restores blood flow and restores flexibility to the injured soft tissue. The key is to break this cycle and break up the trapped inflammation with natural consistent gentle stretching action for 220 hours over 6 weeks.
Most people get rid of their worst symptoms in 3 weeks and complete remission in 6 weeks.
Once the cycle of Carpal Tunnel is broken using the Carpal Solution Treatment, It does not come back for 2 to 7 years for most people. This time frame depending on many factors.
CTS can go into remission for up to 12 years for some after just the 6 week treatment protocol.

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The ONLY treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.
There are some people that have more persistent symptoms. There are over 20 different underlying physiological factors that can contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is no surprise that people do respond differently to the Doctor’s Treatment Protocol. When a person has “Persistent Carpal Tunnel Symptoms” what the Doctors call the 1 Year Pack (what I can the economy package) is the way to go, because it can take between 10 and 12 weeks to break the cycle of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Originally, the Doctors developed the 1 Year Package as a Preventative Treatment that a person with reoccurring Carpal Tunnel wears once a week to keep it from coming back. Some people do find this useful, but few wear it once a week. Because Carpal Tunnel is cyclical, most people find that as they get better and better they use the Carpal Solution Treatment less and less. So, most people that have reoccurring symptoms only need to use it once every month or once every 6 weeks to keep Carpal Tunnel under control even when they are doing intense hand activity at work. So, the 1 Year Pac for most people actually last longer than one year. Each person finds their own best way of using it. That is why I call it an economy package. The 1 Year Package is the most cost effective method to purchase the Carpal Solution Treatment.

Order Your Six Week Carpal Tunnel Treatment Now
The ONLY treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.
There is no reason to continue suffering with this torturous hand / wrist condition.
The Carpal Solution 6 Week Treatment Pac is: The Solution to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for most people. It is a natural stretching treatment developed by Doctors that works for 97% of people and is done in the comfort and privacy of home. It jump starts your body’s natural healing process with no downtime and none of the risks associated with steroid injections and surgery.
The Carpal Solution Stretching Treatment is a truly a better way to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
While considering how long it takes for a natural cure from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it is important for patients to keep in mind that surgery is no quick fix for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, nor is it a permanent fix. Carpal Tunnel Comes back for over 90% of patients even after a successful surgical procedure. Only 60% of surgical procedures are considered successful by patients.
Please consider the information supporting this in the Medical Research Paper presented in the publication: Hand referenced below:
Current Status of Outcomes Research in Carpal Tunnel Surgery
More than 3,000 publications on carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) have been presented in the literature. Although surgery for treating CTS is commonly performed, the outcomes of these surgical procedures are still relatively unclear. This paper will summarize relevant publications on the surgical treatment of CTS to critically examine outcomes data based on the best available evidence.
“However, it should be noted that many patients in this cohort still have residual symptoms. A mean postoperative score at 3 months of 2.0 indicated that despite a great deal of improvement, this cohort of patients still complained of quite a bit of symptoms relating to CTS.”
Published in Hand the Publication of the American Associates for Hand Surgery by Kevin C. Chung, MD
Hand. 2006 Jun; 1(1): 9–13.
Published online 2006 Jul 25. doi: 10.1007/s11552-006-0002-3
Even after 3 months many patients still complain about lingering symptoms and loss of grip strength and tenderness at the point of incision. Carpal Tunnel Surgery has unclear outcomes according to medical experts like Dr. Chung, MD.
Kevin Chi Chung MD
Professor at University of Michigan Medical School
Specialties: Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery (Orthopedic Surgery)
Area of Practice: Hand and upper extremity surgery: rheumatoid arthritis, congenital hand problems, spinal cord injuries, nerve injuries, complex fractures and trauma, microsurgery
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The ONLY treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.