The Carpal Solution alternative to surgery is Self-Applied Before Retiring to Bed in Three Easy Steps
The Carpal Solution is Self-Applied Before Retiring to Bed in Three Easy Steps

STEP 1: Place the Carpal Solution on the Back of the hand as shown with adhesive side down. Attach 1st strap below little finger securing it on the palm. Tear away excess tape to prevent overlap of straps on palm.

STEP 2: Self apply the appropriate tension to the Carpal Solution with 2nd strap below the thumb and attached on palm side of hand as shown. Adjust tension by stretching circular hole on back of hand in the elastic centerpiece to an oval shape. The diameter should be at least 1.5 times the original.

STEP 3: Self apply the appropriate tension to the Carpal Solution with 3rd strap above the thumb. Tear-away straps should be aligned so there is no overlap of straps on palm side of hand. The Carpal Solution begins to relieve symptoms usually within twenty minutes of placement.