Why are my Carpal Tunnel Symptoms so much worse at night during sleep?

Why are my Carpal Tunnel Symptoms so much worse at night during sleep?

“Why are my Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, so much worse at night during sleep?”
Derby, England, United Kingdom
Carpal Tunnel Answers by Doctors:
During sleep when we are at rest, is when the body ideally restores itself, repairs injured tissue and gets itself ready for another day of work and activity.
However, when a person suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) goes to sleep, the blood circulation to the hand is restricted by the inflexible injured tissue (pinching) and lymphatic swelling that squeezes blood vessels. The restricted blood flow blocks or slows down the body’s natural restoration process.
People often mistakenly think they are causing the restricted circulation by lying on their arms or hands in an awkward way. The numb tingling sensation is primarily caused by pressure on the nerve, but reduced circulation can also contribute to these sensations when people have CTS.
During REM sleep the body goes into a state of semi-paralysis.
Many people are not aware that during REM sleep the body goes into a state of semi-paralysis. This state of semi-paralysis prevents a person from moving, so we don’t act out our dreams. However, with no muscle movement, the lymphatic system does not disperse lymphatic fluid like it normally does during the day.
The Lymph System does not have a pump.
The heart is the pump for the circulatory system. The only pump for the Lymph system is the movement of muscle. So, swelling from the injured tissue builds up around the Carpal Tunnel and puts more pressure on the Median Nerve when there is less muscle movement.
During REM sleep, there is no muscle movement. So, often CTS symptoms are at their worst during this deep restorative REM sleep. CTS often interrupts REM sleep causing a lot of other complications.
The Lymphatic pressure builds up on the Median Nerve and on blood vessels during REM Sleep, further limiting blood circulation to the hand and wrist. Since the blood flow is restricted, it cannot aid in dispersing lymphatic fluid.
So, even more pressure builds up in this narrow section of anatomy, pinching the Median Nerve even more and restricting blood circulation further. It is a cyclical condition that can be persistent and difficult to treat because it keeps coming back.
In summary there are multiple effects at night that make CTS worse. These include:
- Lower blood circulation due to restful sleep.
- No muscle movement during REM sleep to disperse the swelling in the lymph system.
- Restricted blood circulation due to increasing pressure on blood vessels in the area.
- Injured soft tissue which has lost it flexibility and creates a pinching action on the nerve and on blood vessels.
All these factors reinforce one another, creating a perfect storm of pressure on the Median Nerve and Carpal Tunnel discomfort. This is why Carpal Tunnel Symptoms are worse at night for many people.
Your hands aren’t falling asleep due to lying on them in an awkward way.
Contrary to what people think at first blush, the tingling fingers and the numb hands are not caused by laying on your hands in an awkward way. If this happens once a month or once a quarter, then it could be just that, you might be lying on your arm in an awkward way cutting off blood circulation making your hands feel like they are asleep.
However, if your hands are numb or your fingers are tingling regularly and wake you up often, then it is not likely from lying on your arms at night. This is a classic sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and it should be treated with a high sense of urgency.
So, that is why Carpal Tunnel Symptoms are so much worse at night. We hope this information helps you understand why your sleep is being interrupted and you are not getting the rest you need. You can get back to the “old you” and get the sleep you need by treating CTS proactively.
CTS is best treated in a way that restores the body’s natural healing process. This is achieved through consistent precise restorative stretching therapy applied for at least 6 to 8 hours at night during sleep. There is no other way to achieve the ideal stretching therapy needed.
The Carpal Solution Therapy was developed by doctors to allow Carpal Tunnel sufferers to access this restorative stretching therapy conveniently and cost effectively.
It is worn at night during sleep and treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at the core. There is no reason to go on suffering with chronic sleep loss and fighting grogginess and irritability during the day.
You can get back to a normal night of sleep within weeks with this Natural Carpal Tunnel Treatment. You will wake up refreshed and ready for the day.