Australia – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptom Relief without Surgery

Australia – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptom Relief without Surgery

Australian people are known to be active and ingenious people and consequently, like most technologically advanced countries are suffering a much higher incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Pragmatic Australians with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are seeking alternative medical treatments that offer better results than conventional hand surgery. Knowing the less than perfect prognosis for Transverse Carpal Ligament Release Surgery and the considerable rehabilitation they have to go through, only to experience reoccurring symptoms at a later time – Most Aussies say, “It is just not worth all the trauma, waiting, downtime and risks.”
With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome expanding at near epidemic rates in technologically advanced countries during the information age, the public wait list for Elective Surgical Admissions for CTS surgical procedures continues to grow in the Australian National Health system. The British National Health Service faces a similar dilemma.
Why wait and worry. The Carpal Solution is an all natural, gentle soft tissue reshaping therapy that offers relief from wrist pain, hand numbness and finger tingling – usually in less than a week – without the complications, downtime, waiting and risks associated with surgery.
The Carpal Solution allows people to get back to their active life styles with No Downtime, No Risks, and No Complications
No Worries Mate!
Watch a Video Interview with Dr. Robin. Click on the arrow on the picture below, Dr. Michelle Robin is the Founder of Your Wellness Connection, in Shawnee, KS. She talks about symptoms and treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and you will watch patients talk about their success controlling CTS with The Carpal Solution.
Patient Success is over 97%!
Call and leave Your Number: 00-1- 801-930-9240
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or email First Hand Med and request a call at
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FAX: 00-1-617-812-0094
“Fantastic product! I now have feeling in my thumb and forefinger (which I referred to as my dead fingers for years). I had been told by several doctors over the years that my only recourse was to have an operation which I would not give in to. No doubt, I made the correct decision over the years. I am telling everyone I know and come in contact with about the Carpal Solution.”– Billy, 3M Factory Worker. Wisconsin
“Fourteen nights in a row with sound sleep. It required a little more time with my left hand, but over a three week period both hands were feeling better. I am so pleased with this product.”– Jann, Sales Professional. Des Moines, Iowa
“I wore the Carpal Solution for fourteen nights. My left hand is now fine, it is remarkable, but my right hand may still require surgery, I will keep doing the six week protocol and then make a decision…”– Linda, Cashier – Indianapolis, Indiana