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Doctor Recommends: Best Alternative Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Doctor Recommends: Best Alternative Carpal Tunnel Treatment

dr eric frank

Is there An Effective Natural Medical Alternative to Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

I am a practicing chiropractor. As a Doctor I have treated tens of thousands of patients for over 30 years and have seen a lot of alternative medical treatments come and go.

There are some amazing Alternative Treatments. And there are some Alternative Medical treatments that are not effective enough to have staying power for a practicing medical professional to count on with their patients.

I always have to evaluate new alternative treatments for my patients and consider: “Is this natural treatment good enough for my patients?”

I always try to consider this:

“Would I use a particular alternative treatment for my family or myself?”


Not too long ago, I developed severe insidious onset Carpal Tunnel Syndrome over a short period of time. It surprised me how quickly this syndrome took hold and started messing up my life.

At first, I dismissed the pain and hoped it would just go away. If there is anything I have learned in medicine, it is that the body has a powerful ability to heal itself. I hoped my body would heal itself.


atul gawande betterBut, the Carpal Tunnel Pain and Numbness in my hands got worse quickly. The discomfort became so bad at night, I had to use my left hand to flex the fingers of my right hand to form a fist.

I was distraught, scared, and depressed! I thought to myself:
“What was going to happen to my practice?”
“Who was going to take care of my patients?”
“I don’t want to retire yet.”

The carpal tunnel burning pain was in my finger tips and in my wrists. The pain literally brought me to tears. The loss of fine motor skills threatened my career.

I ended up seeing a Micro-Hand Surgeon.

I received a cortisone injection into my wrist, was fitted with a cock-up splint and was recommended to schedule surgery ASAP. The cortisone injection helped a little, but not enough and not for very long.

I know these steroids can lead to complications like cartilage loss and are not a long-term answer for Carpal Tunnel. The Carpal Tunnel Splints or Carpal Tunnel Braces did not seem to help much and I have read that these rigid devices cause muscle atrophy and make CTS worse in the long run. That makes sense.

I was told Carpal Tunnel Surgery involved a 4 to 6-week recovery period if all goes well! I did not like the sound of that and thought to myself: “Surgery might end my career anyway if something goes wrong. I can’t afford that risk.”

Carpal Surgery Recovery can take up to a year for some patients – when things don’t go as planned.


the carpal solution better outcomesThen I searched the internet and found The Carpal Solution Treatment. I read up on it, listened to the videos, reviews, and patient testimonials.

At first, I was bit skeptical, but there were people like me who made their living by working with their hands and needing fine motor control (without pain) and responded extremely favorably to this product.

I thought, why not give The Carpal Solution Home Stretching Kit a try. I got my worst symptoms under control within 3 weeks, just like they said and now my Carpal Tunnel Symptoms are 95% better, but I have kept working intensely with my hands, so it looks like I am going to have to do the treatment for a few more weeks.

95% better in 6 weeks is an amazing result given the torturous carpal tunnel symptoms I was experiencing. I am a grown man and I am not ashamed to say, the carpal tunnel pain brought me to tears.

I can live with my hand symptoms the way they are now, but I am aiming for complete remission as I will explain below.

So, is the Carpal Solution an Alternative Medical Treatment that I would recommend to Patients and Family Members?

I’m here to tell you that without reservation,

the six week treatment package


I recommend the Carpal Solution to my patients.

If any of my family members had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I would recommend The Carpal Solution to them too.


I would say generally the Carpal Solution ranks as:

One of the best Alternative Medical Treatment Options I have ever encountered.

This Nighttime Stretching Treatment Kit literally saved my career. It allows me to work as much as I want to work. I plan to work for several more years and then do some charitable work part-time in my retirement. It is great to know I do not have to worry about my hands forcing me to give up my medical career before I am ready.

As a Doctor with a lot of experience over the last 30 years, I am here to tell you there is a solid medical alternative to Carpal Tunnel Surgery. It is the Carpal Solution Treatment Program.

I have had to wear the stretching braces a little longer than the 6-Week treatment program. They say for people that are active like me, it will take about 10 weeks to achieve full remission. This is probably because I keep working intensely with my hands every day putting the same stress on my hands and wrists that caused the Carpal Tunnel onset in the first place.
It is so great to know that I can keep working as intensely as I need to and want to work.

It is such a relief to not worry about early retirement and who I would line up to take care of my patients.

My retirement plan to do charitable medical work in Mexico is still in place as well. I am so happy about that.

Like I said, My Carpal Tunnel Symptoms are 95% improved at this point! For me that is good enough, but I understand from the medical professionals at First Hand Medical that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is cyclical in nature. If a patient puts Carpal Tunnel Syndrome into complete remission, then this torturous condition can go away for years – up to 12 years for some. If you leave lingering symptoms, the syndrome can come back a lot quicker.

I have just ordered my 2nd supply of Carpal Solution Stretching Braces. I want my syndrome to go into complete remission and stay there forever.

Even if it comes back at some point, I now have the confidence that I have a permanent solution for this aggravating condition that is much better than a surgical alternative.

The staff at First Hand Medical is so helpful and will answer any questions you might have about how to treat carpal tunnel syndrome and how to avoid carpal tunnel surgery.

One thing I know after years of practicing medicine:

Once invasive Carpal Tunnel Surgery is performed, you can’t unscramble the egg, you can’t undo scar tissue!

So, you should ask yourself: “What do I have to lose by trying a product developed by Doctors with great reviews by hundreds of people – except the pain???”

It is so great to find a Carpal Tunnel Treatment Alternative that relies on the body’s natural healing process with no downtime and no risks of complications and works so effectively in such a short time frame. It is really quite remarkable from a medical perspective.

I am so glad I have found how to reverse carpal tunnel syndrome naturally. I am so grateful!
Patients come to me all the time wanting to know: “How do I avoid surgery?” It is a common question I get. It is so good to have a carpal tunnel treatment available that allows patients to heal without surgery. I recommend the Carpal Solution to patients weekly.

Everyone with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome should exhaust proven conservative medical care by ordering The Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit!

In my opinion, The Carpal Solution represents best practice for the medical treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and is the best natural alternative to Carpal Tunnel Surgery! It’s just that simple…

Doctor Eric Frank, DC – Orthopedic Spinal Rehabilitation Expert

Pensacola Spinal Rehabilitation Center
Pensacola, Florida

Visit Dr. Frank’s website at:


Dr. Atul Gawande, MD quote

Most Patients are eager to find an alternative medical treatment to Carpal Tunnel Surgery. They do not want the downtime associated with Carpal Tunnel Surgery. Patients also are uncomfortable with the risks of scar tissue and repeat surgeries for a chronic syndrome that comes back for 90% of people even after Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

Annals of Health Care Overkill – An Avalanche of unnecessary medical care is harming patients physically and financially. What can we do about it? By Atul Gawande

Patients are also leery of alternative treatments that are unproven, lack FDA Registration, or lack clinical documentation or don’t have validated patient reviews.

No one wants to waste time and money on: “Folk Remedy’s” that don’t work, or
“Old Wives’ Tale Remedies”.


If a person wants conventional allopathic medicine, they go to and access the conventional medical system through their personal doctor. So, when patients have exhausted what conventional medicine has to offer or done the research on conventional allopathic medical treatments and want something different, the first place most people look for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is on the worldwide web.

The web is where most of us turn to do medical research and evaluate Alternative Medical Treatments.

The reality is:


Doctor Jerome Grossman, MD Director of Health Care Delivery Harvard’s Kennedy School

“In the United States 38 percent of adults (about 4 out of 10) are using some form of complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM).” Alternative Medical Options are very important to a large cross-section of the American People.

“CAM use among adults is greater among women and those with higher levels of education and higher incomes.”

The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States

Patients turn to CAM when there is a high level of dissatisfaction with conventional allopathic treatment options. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the best examples of an area of medicine where conventional treatments have a low satisfaction rate.


Surgery for Carpal Tunnel has less than 60% success rate based on patient surveys and surgery is not a permanent fix. That’s right, carpal tunnel symptoms return even after a successful surgical procedure within 8 years for 90% of patients.

FDA Registered LogoSteroid Injections for Carpal Tunnel also only work for 60% of patients and have long-term consequences such as cartilage loss that has been documented in the clinical medical literature.

Wrist Splints and Rigid Carpal Tunnel Braces help in the beginning for the first 2 weeks, but lead to muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, loss of soft tissue flexibility and chronic pain – making Carpal Tunnel worse in the long run.

Oral Pain Medication has too many negative side-effects to be used in the treatment of a chronic, cyclical condition like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Pain Pills also have very little impact on Carpal Tunnel Pain due to the restricted blood flow reaching the injured tissue that is common with Carpal Tunnel.  In short, the side-effects weighed against the potential benefits leave pain meds as an unacceptable treatment option for CTS.

Gabapentin for Treatment of Carpal Tunnel. Though technically not considered a “Pain Medication” this oral medication is sometimes prescribed for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment.  This is highly questionable approach for this chronic syndrome, given the history of this drug.  One medical expert said, “Gabapentin may be the most dangerous drug in America.”   Any short-term benefit is significantly out-weight by the long-term consequences of using this prescription medication that is labeled by the FDA as an anticonvulsant.

Doctors Have Responded to the Challenge – Better Treatment Alternative for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Fortunately, Doctors have responded to this challenge with The Carpal Solution Treatment and the internet is the primary purveyor of information on this viable Alternative and Complimentary Medical Treatment.

When a practicing Doctor with orthopedic expertise, like Dr. Frank, recommends a medical product he found on the worldwide web and uses it himself, you know that you are dealing with a Legitimate Natural Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The Carpal Solution Carpal Tunnel Brace was developed by Doctors working with thousands of patients to develop patented medical technology and create protocols that work for 97% of patients. The Carpal Solution is backed by clinical trials and is reimbursed by health insurance. It is FDA Registered and comes with a money back guarantee. For Doctors and Patients seeking best practice in the treatment of Carpal Tunnel.

The Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit is the Answer.   It is a win / win / win /win alternative. 

It is a win for the patient – no downtime – minimal expense – clinically documented results – 97% success rate – no risks – no complications.

It is a win for the Health Care Delivery System – Lowers Costs – Better Outcomes –  More Availability of Healthcare Facilities and Doctors for other patients with serious ailments.

It represents a win for Health Insurers by reducing the cost of treatment by billons of dollars.   Carpal Tunnel Surgery and Steroid Injections cost Insurers more than $3 billion per year, notwithstanding the low success rate of surgery.

It is a win for Doctors who can spend time with other patients who need their expertise.

Any home treatment that is reasonably priced like the Carpal Solution Treatment, is clinically documented, and has a success rate over 90% – Is a win for every entity in health care, but mostly for the patient.   If the cost of health care is reduced in any area of care by billions of dollars with better outcomes.  The overall cost of health care is reduced.   That is a rare find today, when healthcare costs are spiraling out of control in almost every field of medicine.

The case for the Carpal Solution as Best Practice in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment is a “slam dunk”.

The case for the Carpal Solution as Best Practice in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment is a “slam dunk”.

People are often looking for natural treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Homeopathic Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that work to avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery. The good news is there are natural alternative treatments that work for a high percentage of people. The Carpal Solution is the gold standard of the natural treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is clinically documented and works for 97% of patients. Doctors are always seeking what is the current best practice for the treatment of any ailment.


Patients rate The Carpal Solution Natural Stretching Treatment In the Range of 4.8 to 4.9 out of 5 stars on social media, like:

Reviewing Site Reviews Rating Number of Reviews Link to Independent Carpal Tunnel Treatment Reviews Website
Facebook 4.8/5 167
BirdEye 4.8/5 142
Trust Pilot 4.0/5 5
Yelp 5.0/5 5
Google Business 5.0/5 2

Patients Say:


Doctors have the training and expertise to identify alternative treatment options that work well for patients and themselves. If you are looking for a reliable alternative treatment to Carpal Tunnel Surgery, learn more about the Carpal Solution Natural Stretching Treatment. It is the Carpal Tunnel Brace that works for 97% of patients. Take it from medical experts, the Carpal Solution is the best first line treatment option and the best alternative treatment to avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

When you are suffering with the torturous Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, it is important not to waste time with homeopathic treatment options that are not effective for the majority of patients. There are also a lot of claims about natural carpal tunnel treatments that do not work for most people.

Don’t waste time and money on undocumented alternative treatment options. Get started today with proven medical treatment that was developed by Doctors, is back by clinical trials and recommended by

Doctors all over the world recommend the Carpal Solution as the best first line treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Best Practices Innovation Collaborative – Health Professional Working Together for Value and Science-driven Health Care.

Michael M.E. Johns MD Chancellor, Emory University and Mary D. Naylor Ph.D., RN Professor UPenn School of Nursing

What Best Practice Medicine Can Do to Improve Health Care Quality

Anybody experiencing painful Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, like Doctor Frank describes above, can confidently rely on the Carpal Solution Natural Stretching Treatment to end the suffering and put Carpal Tunnel Pain in remission for good. The Carpal Solution has been used by over 150,000 patients to end their suffering and avoid the risks of Carpal Tunnel Surgery. There is no reason to continue suffering and worrying about surgery and downtime.

First Hand Medical ships the Carpal Solution worldwide from five warehouses and to all international locations via best pricing of DHL Courier Service. We can reach you wherever you might be.

With a 97% success rate that is clinically documented, The Carpal Solution certainly is the Gold Standard of treatment for Carpal Tunnel Symptoms.

It represents Best Practice for the first line of medical treatment of this chronic cyclical hand / wrist condition.

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Risk Free 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

The only treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.