Acoustic Guitar Player – Carpal Tunnel Solution Is Like a Trusted Friend for Musicians

Acoustic Guitar Player – Carpal Tunnel Solution Is Like a Trusted Friend for Musicians

“As a guitarist I get so much satisfaction from playing and performing music. But my hands take a beating daily. I have struggled with different exercise regimens and splints to avoid Carpal Tunnel surgery. As an artist, I will not have anyone cutting on my hands. The carpal tunnel splints are so restrictive and don’t seem to help.
I was getting desperate the last six months on a concert tour and found the Carpal Solution on line. It worked so quickly, I began to take it for granted that I had my hands back and stopped in the middle of the Six Week protocol. The symptoms came rushing back so quickly, I got back to the disciplined six week program. Now I find that I only need the Carpal Solution once a week or sometimes after a big concert program.
It is so great to have a therapy that works and keeps me playing reliably.
I recommend the Carpal Solution without reservation.”
Roberto – Classical Guitar Instrumentalist – Performer and Song Writer – California.
Whether they be acoustic or electric, bass or classical, guitar players experience a higher incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome than most other professions. It probably has to do with the intense way in which the Guitarist grips and strums the guitar with both hands repeatedly.
The Carpal Solution works so well for Guitarists that we get nearly 100% satisfaction from this dedicated group of musicians. Musicians share a strong fellowship and often share their CTS remedies with other musician friends. One passionate guitarist said, “The Carpal Solution is like a trusted friend, one can always depend on the Solution to come through in a pinch.”