Musical artists provide so much enjoyment to the world with their remarkable hand dexterity, discipline and rhythmic talent, yet often they find that they are limited in sharing their enlightening gift by repetitive stress injuries (RSI) to their hands and wrists.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common RSI’s that affects musicians. Artist, like guitarist, pianist, and violinist have a high incidence of CTS because they use their fingers and hands so intensely every day to practice their craft and expand their talent so they can perform to ever higher levels of musical perfection.
Musicians are the least likely to allow surgical procedures to be performed on their hands, because when there are complications like a loss of grip strength, loss of range of motion or lost sensitivity in their fingers, it will likely mean a change of profession or the end of their music playing and performances. Musical artists are so passionate about their music – surgery on their hands for most is unthinkable and only a last resort after using proven stretching therapy using the Carpal Solution at night during sleep.
Pianist, Musical Director & Composer Cures Carpal Tunnel Hand Pain
Watch a video of Music Director, Pianist and Composer, Diane in California, telling how she got relief from CTS after trying everything else. The Carpal Solution worked and continued to allow her to play intensely 12 hours per day.
How Musicians Control Carpal Tunnel with Proven Natural Stretching Therapy
For instance an artist seeking to be a virtuoso pianist or someone on track to become a performance guitarist is never going to let their hands and fingers go under the knife. When CTS surgery results come in with a 60/40 success rate and about 15% to 20% of surgery patients actually end up with worse symptoms after surgery due to increased scar tissue —-the prognosis is not acceptable to a thinking person, except as a last resort. The medical community and health insurers alike, are in agreement that CTS surgery should be considered only after every well-documented non-invasive therapy has been attempted.
So what is an aspiring player to do to protect their hands from repetitive stress injury? Fortunately, a relatively new clinically documented, proactive stretching therapy has been developed by a doctor working with his wife and patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (developed in 2001).
It is called Carpal Solution TherapyTM and is a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome because it is non-invasive, all natural and does not result in the complications associated with other CTS treatments. There is no downtime, no steroid injections, no rigid restrictive wrist splints, no complications from oral pain meds, no risky surgery. Most importantly it relieves your worst symptoms in a week or two with complete remission in just the Six Week Protocol.
The Carpal Solution is a soft tissue stretching therapy with a unique comfortable brace that you only wear at night. It is ideal for musical artists like clarinet players or those who play guitar and piano or the violin because there is no threat to your hands and no downtime away from your passion.
Musicians form a powerful fellowship as they are all uniquely passionate about their art and understand, relate and feed off one another’s passion. When a debilitating hand condition like Carpal Tunnel limits one’s ability to perform, they unite to battle Carpal Tunnel with the same kind of passion, deep empathy and loyal camaraderie. Musician Friends do not let fellow musicians suffer silently. These dedicated artists share the Carpal Solution Therapy with one another with unique passion and dedication compared to most other professions. This dedication has preserved careers, saved bands and lifted orchestras to new levels of performance.