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Tax Professionals & Accountants Prevent Carpal Tunnel During Tax Season

Tax Professionals & Accountants Prevent Carpal Tunnel During Tax Season

Few people use their hands as intensely as Tax Professionals and Accountants during tax season. It can sometimes feel like a tidal wave of forms, paper work and electronic documents.

Working at the computer for 10 to 14 hours per day results in tens of thousands of keystrokes and clicks on the computer. When you combine this repetitive stress with the psychological stress of deadlines and commitments, the tax season can be like a perfect storm of Carpal Tunnel for the Tax Professional.

Stress always aggravates nerve conditions of any kind, but when you are depending on your hands to pound out tax documents and your fingers don’t respond with the speed and accuracy that you are used to, it can generate a high level of frustration.

A lot of people do not realize that mental stress and anxiety will make Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms worse.

“I have over 1700 clients who depend on my team and I to prepare financial statements and file their taxes on time, meet regulatory requirements and avoid tax penalties. We cannot afford downtime or miss deadlines.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome seems to pick on us in the tax profession. Some offices I have been in take the Ostrich approach and try to ignore the problem and pretend it is not an issue. They “sweep it under the rug” so to speak.

We take a different approach. We acknowledge Carpal Tunnel is a common problem in our profession and we are proactive about getting education and natural treatment options to keep it from undermining the productivity of our team and avoid the downtime, risks and expense of Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

I had experienced Carpal Tunnel Syndrome myself and knew how devastating it could be to suffer in silence pretending there is no problem. The stress and worry is agonizing, not to mention the pain. It felt like I was moving in slow motion. It is not the way to go.

I found the Carpal Solution online and it got me sleeping through the night within the first week. My hand pain, wrist pain and numbness began to subside during the day, even during the peak of tax season. I love that you wear it during sleep.

I was surprised The Carpal Solution worked so well when I was so busy. I learned that Carpal Tunnel can be managed proactively without downtime and without risks and without the stress. I depend on this treatment.

We all have ergonomic work stations and have a chart demonstrating some simple stretching exercises in the break room. But my go to answer for CTS is the Carpal Solution. We have several Six Week Packs on hand in the office for people to take home if they need it. Some of us use it as a preventative treatment during tax season, so it never becomes an issue.

I highly recommend The Carpal Solution for Tax Professionals or anyone suffering with CTS.”

Grace Runs An Accounting Firm
Dallas, Texas

So, what can you do if you are a tax professional getting ready for the busiest time of the year.

1- Get prepared in advance and be proactive about your condition before you are at crunch time. This will help you stay calm knowing you have a plan.

2- Take Regular breaks to stretch, breathe deeply, drink water and clear your mind. Experts say taking a 10 minute break every 2 hours is a key factor in staying productive.

3- Make sure you are using an ergonomic keyboard, an ergonomic mouse with a cushioned mouse pad and an adjustable ergonomic chair with the right height and dimensions at your work station. Learn more about working with a computer and carpal tunnel

4- There are specific day time stretching exercises you can do at work every couple of hours to keep your hands limber and flexible. Learn more stretching exercises for carpal tunnel

5- Make sure you are eating right and getting good nutrition. A lot of people that are extremely busy do not eat right and they do not get the nutrients they need eating junk food on the fly. A multi-vitamin supplement can be useful as insurance for busy people. If you get deficient in vitamin B Complex, in particular, then that deficiency can contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Some practitioners emphasize taking B as the full on answer. Be careful, you should not exceed 200 mg per day. Too much vitamin B can actually aggravate this frustrating hand condition. Vitamin B Complex by itself is not going to put Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in remission. Don’t overdo it.

6- Order and use the Carpal Solution 1 Year Preventative Package as a preventative treatment for Carpal Tunnel. Use it once or twice a week during the busy season to keep Carpal Tunnel from flaring up and slowing you down.

With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, like many ailments, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Be prepared and stay ahead of the repetitive stress and you can avert any slowdown in your productivity. It is so convenient to use the Carpal Solution Night Time Stretching Treatment, it minimizes any stretching you might need to do during a busy day. You get the stretching you need during sleep. During less busy times you can wear it once a month or once every six weeks or not at all depending on your particular situation. Everybody is different.

Most people find that CTS will go away for 2 -7 years once they have put it into remission with the Six Week Treatment.

7- If you have had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome now or you have had it in the past, you should order the Carpal Solution Six Week Stretching Treatment begin using it to put CTS in complete remission before your busiest time of the year shuts you down. Don’t miss deadlines or lose clients because your hands won’t function productivity or with Carpal Tunnel depriving you of your much needed sleep. It is hard enough to sleep when you are busy and under stress. Don’t let Hand Pain, Wrist Pain and Hand Numbness wake you up multiple times each night. Click Here to See Pricing.

Order the Carpal Solution Six Week Night Time Stretching Therapy and wear it as a preventative treatment during tax season, so you never have Carpal Tunnel Pain and Hand Numbness.

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