Waiter – Bassist Musician Cures Carpal Tunnel Pain in San Diego, California

Waiter – Bassist Musician Cures Carpal Tunnel Pain in San Diego, California

“I am a semi-professional potter and bassist, and long-time waiter. Obviously, I rely on my hands for my very livelihood. Last October I began to notice a strange numbness in my right thumb, which gradually progressed to hand, wrist and forearm pain. After conferring with my Uncle, an orthopedic surgeon, it was apparent that I was experiencing the beginnings of a sneaky and scary condition called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He had me wearing a rigid brace at night, with little to no effect.
Then, after doing a search on the internet, I found your product and decided to order the Six Week Therapy Pac right away. After just a few nights, my numbness started to diminish, as well as hand pain. I am now four weeks into the therapy, following the suggested regiment, and my symptoms are virtually gone.

Only after a busy shift at the restaurant and in the evenings before bed do the symptoms tend to come back a little. When the symptoms begin to intensify, I wear the device two nights in a row, rather than every other night, and by morning my hand feels great again.
I recently celebrated my 39th birthday, and feel that this device you have invented is the best birthday present I could have given myself.
You have given me new hope for the future, as while I may not be able to continue these activities at quite the same level of intensity as before, I am still yet able to enjoy them nonetheless.
I have been telling everyone I know about this excellent product, and have discovered that many people also suffer from this painful condition. I hope that they too can find the relief and happiness that I have experienced.
Thank you so much for creating this unobtrusive and pain relieving device!”
Ted M. – Potter, Musician and Professional Waiter Gets Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief – San Diego, California – CA
Did you know you can actually cure your carpal tunnel at night? No more lost time at work. No more missed opportunities.
The Carpal Solution offers relief from your worst symptoms and gets you back to a sound night’s sleep in days and results in remission of your symptoms over the Six Week Protocol.
Carpal Solution Therapy is different from other over-the-counter CTS treatments.
This is not a stiff restrictive wrist brace.
Worn during sleep, the Carpal Solution gently stretches and reshapes facia tissue in and around the Carpal Tunnel and relieves pressure on the Median Nerve.
It allows you to get back to work quickly, conveniently, and without surgery – eliminating long rehabs and potential high risk complications associated with surgery such as infection, nerve damage, permanent loss of grip strength and loss of range of motion (which is common), wrist weakness and scarring.

“Fourteen nights in a row with sound sleep. It required a little more time with my left hand, but over a three week period both hands were feeling better. I am so pleased with this product.”
– Jann, Sales Professional. Des Moines, Iowa
“I wore the Carpal Solution for fourteen nights. My left hand is now fine, it is remarkable, but my right hand may still require surgery, I will keep doing the six week protocol and then make a decision…”
– Linda, Cashier – Indianapolis, Indiana
“Fantastic product! I now have feeling in my thumb and forefinger (which I referred to as my dead fingers for years). I had been told by several doctors over the years that my only recourse was to have an operation which I would not give in to. No doubt, I made the correct decision over the years. I am telling everyone I know and come in contact with about the Carpal Solution.”
– Billy, 3M Factory Worker. Wisconsin