What are some of the more common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, and how can the proactive patient resolve or alleviate them? Common CTS symptoms include pain and numbness in the fingertips, hands, and forearms, coldness in the extremities, poor circulation in the extremities, aching and tingling in the neck, shoulders, and thoracic area, and in the later stages, a decrease in grip strength and loss of fine motor coordination. Surgery can often lead to a permanent loss of grip strength due to severing the Transverse Carpal Ligament which is the largest ligament holding the 27 bones of the hand and wrist together and then hoping it scars back together appropriately. That largest ligament of the hand is never as strong as before being severed.
Carpal tunnel syndrome patients also report losing sleep at night due to persistent pain. If left untreated, CTS, which is also sometimes referred to by patients and physicians as Repetitive Stress Injury, or RSI, can lead to ancillary health conditions. Thoracic outlet syndrome, insomnia, and reflexive sympathetic dystrophy and even depression often result with carpal tunnel syndrome playing a contributing role.
Order The Carpal Solution Risk Free Carpal Tunnel Relief
All carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms should be taken seriously. It is imperative for people at risk for CTS to rely on their doctors ASAP for an accurate diagnosis, to identify contributing factors, other complications and to review various treatment methodologies. We at First Hand Medical also invite you to browse MyCarpalTunnel.com today to learn more about an exciting proven home therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Known as the Carpal Solution, this soft tissue wrist brace therapy has demonstrated a uniquely high success rate among 95 percent of patients in less than a week for most users. The brace operates simply by massaging key trigger points in the hands to reshape the soft tissue in and around the carpal tunnel and thus relieve inflammation induced pressure on the median nerve and enhance blood circulation. In this way, the Carpal Solution frees the body’s powerful natural healing processes and allows regeneration at the cellular level. Try out the Carpal Solution today and protect yourself from this debilitating condition.
Call to talk with a knowledgable representative today at: 1-800-798-5210,fax our customer service team at: 1- 617-794-0503 or email [email protected] to learn more and order today. Do not put off your proactive therapy–start getting back to your active life today.
The Carpal Solution has been used by over 50,000 people and continues to get a 97% success rate among patients. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Patients simply call it: “My Carpal Tunnel Cure!”
You can view more detailed video user reviews of The Carpal Solution in 7 different languages on our YouTube video channel called: MyCarpalTunnelSolution